
Government Accountants and Advisors in Cheyenne, WY and Fort Collins, CO

Answering the public’s needs while managing resources to provide the best value is an everyday challenge for governmental organizations. Along with the daily operations, changing pronouncements, regulations, increased oversight, and desire for transparency has added to the complexities of governmental financial statements. MHP has the expertise to assist you in these complex and challenging times.

Audit services provided by McGee, Hearne & Paiz, LLP

City, County, and School District Accounting

How do you add value to existing resources while providing good stewardship of public assets and trust? We offer the following specialized services to allow you to focus your limited resources on serving the public well:

Universities and Colleges

Higher education is a specialized industry, and the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) is currently developing a specific financial accounting and reporting manual. MHP has a subscription to the service and is knowledgeable on industry-specific accounting topics, such as the Scholarship Allowance Calculation and Disclosure. Our understanding of the industry allows us to offer the following services:


In addition to the Firm’s core tax and assurance compliance services, we also provide the following services that may be of value to governmental organizations: